Today I happened to find my Nexus 7 in my storage box, and it is lying there for 2 years since it is bricked. My Google Nexus 7 was bought in 2012. About 2 years ago, the tablet cannot be charged anymore. Since then, I haven't been able to use it. Today I decided to revive it.
The problem with my Nexus 7 is not like that is described here, and it cannot be fixed using solutions provided by Nexus support page. The symptoms of my tablet is that even though its power meter is well above 20%, and it is charged using the original power adaptor, and the small icon on the upright of the tablet screen indicates the battery is charging, the power meter continues to drop, until the battery runs out of all power. Then the tablet is bricked.
I guess the problem might be caused by some circuits or chips that controls the battery charging. Probably I can revive my tablet by charging the battery directly. So I opened the back cover of the tablet, and found the battery.

The battery is connected to the main board using the connector shown in the following picture. The red line on the connector is connected to the positive pole, and the black line is connected to the negtive pole.

You can diconnect the battery from the main board like this.

I made a charging cable that looks like this,

The following picture shows how I use the cable I made to charge the battery directly.

After 2 hours of charging, I removed the charging cable, and connect the battery to the main board, put on the back cover, then pressed the power-on button for a few seconds, then the tablet turned on.

The problem with my method is that each time I charge the tablet, I need to open the back cover. This can be troublesome. If anyone knows how to fix the tablet, please kindly let me know by drop me an email, my email address is guoxiaoyong AT guoxiaoyong dot com. Thanks in advance.